Awards & Honors
Through a variety of Academic prizes, College Honors, Departmental Honors, Our College recognizes and celebrates students' academic achievement throughout their college life and at graduation. In addition, students are also honored for their achievements in Co-curricular activities through awards bestowed annually by the Academic Awards Committee.
Proficiency Awards
Awarded annually to the students who secure the highest three marks in the TNTEU University Examinations.
All Rounder Awards
Awarded annually to the students who have an excellent record (not necessarily the best) in the dimensions of academic (particularly effort & behaviour), sporting (more than one sport) and extra-curricular (arts, public speaking, student council, school magazine, instrumental music program etc.)
Best Outgoing Student Award
The criterion for the award is based on the performance of students in studies, extracurricular activities, regularity, punctuality, and participation in workshop, social and cultural events. Awarded for the best outgoing final year student in B.Ed programme.